Get Introduced To The Project HepaFinance & Binance Smart Chain

HepaFinance is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain. HepaFinance uses an automated market maker model where users trade against a liquidity pool. These pools are filled by users who deposit their funds into the pool and receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens in return.

Hepa Finance operates on Binance Smart Chain. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is best described as a blockchain that runs in parallel to the Binance Chain. Unlike Binance Chain, BSC boasts smart contract functionality and compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The design goal here was to leave the high throughput of the Binance Chain intact while introducing smart contracts into its ecosystem.

In essence, both blockchains operate side-by-side. It’s worth noting that BSC isn’t a so-called layer two or off-chain scalability solution. It’s an independent blockchain that could run even if Binance Chain went offline. That said, both chains bear a strong resemblance from a design standpoint.

Here are some of the attributes of the Binance Smart Chain:

Blockchain Independency

While it runs in parallel with BC, Binance Smart Chain is a standalone blockchain. This means that even if BC stops operating, BSC will continue to run its technical and business functions of HepaFinance.

Compatibly Ethereum

Smart contracts, which are Ethereum-compatible, are supported by BSC. Through this feature, developers can build or migrate DApps, tools, and other ecosystem components on the BSC network without much friction.

Staking and Community-Based Governance

The platform runs on a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus model, specifically, proof-of-staked authority. BSC’s native token, the Binance Coin (BNB), can be staked to contribute to network security and vote on community governance protocols. 

Staked-Authority Proof

BSC combines both delegated PoS and proof-of-authority (PoA) to achieve network consensus and maintain blockchain security. PoA is known for its capacity to thwart 51% attacks, as well as its tolerance for Byzantine attacks validator set.

Binance Coin (BNB)

BNB is the Binance ecosystem’s native utility token, which can be used both for BSC and BC. BNB is mainly used to pay for transaction fees on the BC and Binance DEX platform, staking, and asset transfers. BNB can also be used to run smart contracts on BSC.

Third Party Tokens

BEP2 and the upcoming BEP8 standards are both BC and BSC-supported tokens. ERC-20 tokens, or BEP2E tokens, as they are called in the network, are supported on the BSC blockchain. There are ways to further “enhance” ERC-20 tokens on the platform just by adding more identifiers on an asset, such as token denomination, owner address, and decimal precision definition, among others. This process is called “token binding.”


Staking involves BNB holders placing their “bonded” tokens in a staking pool. Then, they can delegate their tokens to a chosen validator or candidate like HepaFinance. They can re-delegate their tokens to another validator as soon as the election for the next validator set begins. Elected validators have the power to distribute their blocking reward to their delegators.

The future is Decentralized Finance without a doubt is prosperous with HepaFinance. Binance Smart Chain is one of the best blockchain ecosystems in existence. The system has a tremendous future and it will upgrade more to be a prime transaction system in the near future.

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BTT username : kingofhell9008
Profile Link :;u=2231720;sa=summary
Bsc Wallet: 0x61A216ebe5e5463cB08818b2da22CA61ac6f6FC0

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